Responsible Gaming

CosmicSlot online casino should be viewed as a fun pastime and not as a source of income. While most people may treat gambling as a recreational activity and only spend what they can afford to risk, it can be an impossible task for some. In order to maintain control over your gambling hobby, CosmicSlot reminds you that when gambling, you must always consider and control the following points:

  • Make sure to play in moderation – this is just a form of recreation, not a source of income;
  • There is always another chance to win – no need to take risks;
  • It is only advisable to play when your losses can be covered;
  • You should keep track of how much you spend and how much time you spend.

If you need to take a break from gambling, submit a support request online and CosmicSlot will exclude you from active players on the site for a while.

If you are concerned that gambling may have a negative impact on your life or the lives of your loved ones, answering the following questions will help you figure it out:

  1. Is the game distracting you from work or studying?
  2. Playing is just for fun, or does it keep you from getting bored?
  3. Is it common for you to play alone for long periods of time?
  4. Did anyone ever criticize you for playing games?
  5. Have you lost interest in family, friends, or hobbies because of gambling?
  6. When it came to gambling, have you ever lied to hide how much you lost or how much time you spent playing?
  7. Are you reluctant to spend your “play money” on anything else?
  8. Do you play until you lose all your money?
  9. Do you feel like trying to get back the money you lost as soon as possible after you lost it?

The more positive answers you give to the questions, the more likely you are to develop an addiction to gambling and steps need to be taken to combat it.